RNR Founder and Developer

Keith was a humble genius.
His life was rich and varied. He had many careers and interests before becoming a Chiropractor which included being a wood machinist, Qigong (Chi Kung) practitioner and a research psychologist at the National Acoustics Laboratory. Before undertaking studies in Chiropractic, Keith had completed a Bachelor of Arts (Honours in Psychology) at Sydney University. He graduated from the Sydney College of Chiropractic in 1982.
In 2002, Keith achieved his Teaching Diplomate status from the ICAK (International College of Applied Kinesiology). During his service to the Applied Kinesiology (AK) community Keith was also committed to several areas of responsibility in teaching and leadership. He was the President of the Australasian chapter of the professional AK College for many years, and served on the international board for the ICAK.
Keith generously gave his time to teach Certification and Advanced AK courses and many of the current day AK practitioners can thank him for their introduction to the technique.
Keith’s desire to seek out all aspects of health care that could improve his patients’ quality of life resulted in the development of relationships with other healthcare professions.
Keith was able to find kinship with an array of like-minded practitioners from other professions, in particular the highly renowned (late) Behavioural Optometrist Sue Larter.
Sue Larter, and others, were noticing the optical prescriptions of their patients were improving after receiving Keith’s care. This lead to the sharing of their knowledge and the development, and later teaching, of his first RPR (Retained Primitive Reflexes) technique seminar in 1996. As further developments were made from the procedures he taught, the technique was rebranded as “Retained Neonatal Reflexes” (RNRs), a term he coined.
Keith had a successful practice, called Vital Synergy Centre that was located in the MLC building, and later on Macquarie Street, in Sydney’s CBD. His last decade in practice was from his clinic in Edgecliff.
In semi-retirement he moved from his beloved Bronte Beach to the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. He retired from practicing Chiropractic at the age of 80 but he continued to teach and mentor until the very end.
‘A life well lived’ according to Keith was to leave good vibrations in the world; to leave the world, and its people, better than before.
Dr Keith Keen peacefully passed away at the age of 81 in 2021 having touched many thousands with his good vibrations and the healing arts he mastered.
He was a friend, mentor, teacher, father, grandfather, and husband who could add wisdom, inspiration, jokes and innuendo to conversation, noticeably befitting his vintage.
Keith Keen’s legacy will live on, as will the thousands of individuals and families whose health benefitted as the trajectory of their lives pivoted on the time spent with him.
This article has been altered and adapted by Susan Walker for use here from a presentation given by Dr Mary Papatheocharus (Chiropractor, ICAK-A President) for ICAK-A AGM Adelaide 2022.